Allyson R Trunzer (Photo by Mohammid Walbrook)
Allyson R Trunzer (Photo by Mohammid Walbrook)
Our local board would like to update you on some happenings on Barbuda and some upcoming projects that we are hoping to fund. We are pleased to report that over 400 locals are now employed – either directly or indirectly on the island. There are new hotels and housing being built to house workers, tourists and doctors, dentists, etc.
Organizations like Barbuda Ocean Club continue to spend substantial amounts on community development and improvements to the public school system seem to be in the works. The solar powered energy system is now fully functional as well.
Last year we recognized that in the Healthcare sector of the island there was a glaring need for an Ambulance as well as Dental Care and equipment. We are thrilled to have made progress in both these regards. Read more below.
There is a lot of good news going on but as we all know, still much to do. Please read about our successes and projects below and consider contributions to the projects we are considering.
Have a great and safe summer,
Coco Point Fund
HENRY SCHEIN CARES FOUNDATION is a philanthropic vehicle for driving change toward building a healthier world. They support innovation, strengthening health care system resilience, expanding access to care for underserved communities, and investing in the next generation of health care professionals.
In December 2021 Coco Point Fund applied for a grant from Henry Schein Cares for numerous supplies for the dental clinic. The request included large box quantities of toothbrushes, gauze, floss, toothpaste, and many sterile sponges and supplies needed by the dentist for exams. We are pleased to say that the grant was awarded in the Spring and the supplies reached the dental clinic! Thank you again to the Henry Schein Foundation for their contribution.
Ms. Annie Marie Gore + Ms. Camelda Frank
AMR is part of the Global Medical Response family of companies, committed to a mission of providing care to the world at a moment’s notice.
Thanks to Dr. Hezedean Smith who facilitated the donation by introducing AMR to the Coco Point. Dr. Smith along with a wonderful team in the operations group and significant assistance from the Barbuda Ocean Club and AMR Orlando personal were able to secure an ambulance for donation to Barbuda.
It left Orlando, FL this month and is currently making its way through customs to Barbuda. Thank you again to AMR and Barbuda Ocean Club. We have included photos of the old ambulance that is no in service due to its poor condition. We are thrilled to assist with this new addition to the medical community of Barbuda!
Photos of the previous ambulance that was not in service due to its poor condition.
COMMUNITY AREA FENCING – The community area is a place where events, horse racing, weddings, community bbqs, etc. occur. Barbuda Ocean Club has fixed up there area and asked Coco Point for a donation for materials to fence the area in. There are many animals such as horses, donkeys and goats that have wandered in and disrupted the area. The fence was desperately needed to preserve the space. It has been installed and the community was able to celebrate Caribana here this month. We were pleased to contribute to this project, as well as Barbuda Ocean Club and Paradise Found.
Last year the Fund was proud to contribute to BECOMING 2021, which was a HUGE SUCCESS! This concept was created by Directors Cleo Isaac, Catie Kohler and Allyson Trunzer to empower the young girls of Barbuda. Campers attended over a 3-week period learning about healthy eating and meditation, participating in activities such as painting, dancing and carpentry lessons, and discussed interpersonal skills while being mentored.
This year they are expanding the program to more young women at a separate location and starting their first young mens’ program. Last year we contributed $15K and this year we are being asked for $30K. Along with Paradise Found we agree to this contribution. We wish the ladies and young men best of luck for an educational and fun camp!
Thank you in advance for considering ongoing donations!
As we near the end of 2021, we want to thank you again for your commitment to Barbuda and your generous contributions to the Coco Point Fund throughout the past year.
As we pull out the holiday decorations, wishing health and bright futures to our friends and families, we are reminded of how precious those things are in our lives and how much more there still is to do for those on the island we love. The CPF is staying true to its mission and continues to assist the people of Barbuda in their recovery from hurricane Irma by addressing the many infrastructure, healthcare and education needs.
There were many successes this year in those arenas. Because of your generous contributions thus far and the partnerships we have formed with the Jumby Bay Fund, Mill Reef Fund, and Barbuda Ocean Club, we were able to stretch donations to accomplish the projects below.
Please enjoy our Year in Review and hearing about what more we have planned.
CLEAN WATER is flowing in Barbuda! The new 100,000 gallon water tank is operational and providing clean water 24/7 to all residents. Please celebrate in this win with us that took almost 3 years to accomplish. Despite the frustration at times working with the bureaucracy we did not give up!
BUS STOP SHELTERS – Shelters are now functioning on the island. While one remains to be built, four bus stop shelters provide shelter for those waiting to commute.
DOCK SHELTER – This is a project to build a shelter at the ferry dock for 50 people so they will be protected from the elements as well as a storage locker for shipped goods. We are awaiting final approval from the Antique and Barbuda Port Authority to erect a long needed shelter at the dock in Barbuda.
The Wellness Center is one of the success stories of the year. It is up and running with people from the island using the facility often. The Fund provided the material and the labor to accomplish this rehab the building. The was a joint project with the Mill Reef Fund and Barbuda Ocean Club and we are very proud of its success.
While the center is a success, there are various needs that are still glaring that our Fund hopes to address in 2021. The people of Barbuda are in need of an Ambulance as well as Dental Care and equipment. If you would like to contribute or know of any connections to an entity with an old ambulance they might contribute or in Dentistry that might be able to help, please contact us.
Our scholarship fund continues to support incredible candidates. Each year the Coco Point Fund continues to ask for scholarship donations to allow more candidates to pursue their education. As it operates in it’s 22nd year it continues to be a critical resource. We have assisted 25 students in the last 5 years.
This year we spotlighted EZEKIEL FRANCIOS of the University of West Indies, Five Islands Campus who has put together many Outreach Campaigns on his campus, as well as STARR GEORGE at Waldorf University, studying Journalism. You can read more about their success here on our blog.
RICCARDO NEDD received throughout my entire academic journey and recently conferred a Master’s of Science Degree in Human Resource Management and Development, from the University of Salford. He mentioned in a letter to the Fund that his recent degree opened the door for him to gain employment on Barbudan soil as the operations manager at the now Barbuda Ocean Club (formerly Coco Point). Read Riccardo’s Letter Here.
Finally one of our largest success stories continues to be Allyson Trunzer. She has successfully trained as a dancer in New York, Toronto and Antiqua/ Barbuda and is currently enrolled in Shenandoah University working on a Bachelor of Arts in Dance program, as well as looking to add the Bachelor of Science in Public Health program to her studies. Her passion is evident for the people of Barbuda – she is proud to be part of the special community and wants very much to help it expand.
This year, Allyson, in conjunction Directors Cleo Isaac, Catie Kohler executed a concept called BECOMING 2021, to empower the young girls of Barbuda. Girls attended camp over a three week period and underwent intrapersonal and interpersonal development processes. They learned about healthy eating, meditation, participated in art projects, dancing and carpentry lessons, received mentoring and empowerment skills, gave back to the community with a beach cleanup, and got some pampering with hair and makeup! The Fund was thrilled to contribute to this event and to see its success. Please view the photos of that amazing event.
Allyson has a vision for a Cultural Center on the Island for events such as this and more. It is something the Board talks of often and may be a focus for 2022.
We strongly believe that the GREATEST long term gift we can give this island is a vastly improved educational system. We are very focused on developing a special education program. There are over 20 children under the age of 18 that are in desperate need of these services. A qualified person is currently running the program on a volunteer basis.
We recently received a meaningful gift from a donor to create a lasting program. At the present time special education is our biggest focus to please consider a donation for this crucial need. Stay tuned for our next newsletter with more on this story.
Please consider a donation to the Coco Point Fund, a 501(c)(3) organization committed to the Island and the people of Barbuda. If you know of any other individuals or charitable foundations that might be interested in helping our mission, please let us know! MAILING CHECKS If you would like to mail a check to The CPF, please send checks to: Coco Point Fund c/o Joan Minshall 12 Oxford Street Chevy Chase, MD 20815 WIRE FUNDS If you would like to wire funds to The CPF, please contact [email protected] for the wire instructions. TRANSFERRING APPRECIATED STOCK If you would like to transfer highly appreciated stock to The CPF, please contact [email protected] for the wire instructions. DONATE WITH PAYPAL Donate with Paypal by using this link. REMINDER: We NEVER co-mingle any of our funds with the Antiguan Government or the Barbuda Council. We are diligent shepherds of your very generous contributions. Please contact any of our Board members should you have any questions or comments. Thank you in advance for considering a donation this year end. We wish you all the happiest and healthiest Holiday Season! Please visit our new and improved website at www.cocopointfund.org. Sincerely, The Coco Point Fund Board of Directors |
Dear Coco Point Fund,
Thank you for your contribution toward the Barbuda Youth Art Workshop and Exhibition. Over 25 young artists participated in this event which culminated at an Art Exhibit this Saturday at Abundant Life Ministries. Fifty Barbudans attended the event where we awarded nine cash prizes to young artists who submitted entries in to the “Sunday Morning” Exhibit.
Thanks again for your support!